For snowboarders who like mountains...

This blog has been created with the purpose of compiling almost all my backcountry days from my first steps in the Cantabrican mountains to mountain ranges such as the Alps and the Pyrenees, and hopefully filled in the future with many travels in the pursuit of great rides and remote areas. Enjoy the reading!

Punta Leysser, 2771m March, 6 2011 (Alpes)

Full of energy, I drove through Aosta Valley with exciting music in solitune!

The peak chosen....

Blu sky, pines trees, some rocks, shinning snow, high summits...I was excited!

Summit! I broke the last record of Morefreddo by a few meters...Anyway, now it´s time to go higher!! Monte Bianco appears behind my nek.

Spring snow in the whole descent. I could not take more photos due to the bat outlook...The pics weren´t clear...

Enjoying the panorama!

The classic reward after a hot day, lied on the yard and looking at Grivola zone...

Really hope this week every single day is sunny...

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