For snowboarders who like mountains...

This blog has been created with the purpose of compiling almost all my backcountry days from my first steps in the Cantabrican mountains to mountain ranges such as the Alps and the Pyrenees, and hopefully filled in the future with many travels in the pursuit of great rides and remote areas. Enjoy the reading!

Castro Valnera, 1718m...the secret of Burgos! March, 11 2012

I keep making the most of my new position. I went again to Lunada this time to climb Castro Valnera. The amount of snow is still amazing in spite of its height and last warm days. It´s completely true here snows.

When I arrived at 11 the zone was still foggy. Rapidly, the sky cleared up as it was waiting for me. Actually I came across with one arriving to the car again and complaining about the shitty weather and how unworthly was for him to get up early in the morning. Fortunately I slept as much as I wanted and left Torrelavega around 10.

The first part took place in a beatiful forest.

When I though the forest had been finished, it still had a surprise for me with a brief last part.
A wide coll is reached after those forest and the upper part of the valley, which by the way is quite beatiful and made the descent special. Normally, there is no forest where go up through or ride down.

A moderate steep and quite narrow slope at the right of the coll took me to a sort of plain but steep enough to ride it down after.
Castro Valnera is the right rocky ridge.
I left the skis at the bottom part of the ridge and walked the last 20m on foot. Pasiego valleys from the highest summit of all those valleys. Cloud were still around towards north.
The first part was that plain with spring snow which let me go fast. Then the steepest part with good snow too.
Once I descended that part I just had to enjoy the views while skiing the upper valley before woods.

Althoug I stopped the forest was not too close, so I could go through that just snowboarding. I ended up in abandoned hut close to the car.
Definetely, I accomplished my goal of coming here this seasson and I did it with good weather and good snow conditions.

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