For snowboarders who like mountains...

This blog has been created with the purpose of compiling almost all my backcountry days from my first steps in the Cantabrican mountains to mountain ranges such as the Alps and the Pyrenees, and hopefully filled in the future with many travels in the pursuit of great rides and remote areas. Enjoy the reading!

Huerto del Diablo Sur, 2129m 21-2-09 (C.Cantabrica)

We left the car in Ventana pass. We started surrounding Rebollosas peak as far as a col.

Pablo and Alberta went on fastly.

We were nearly the summit. Fontanes at the backgrounds.

Southern peaks, a world to find out!
And summit!

In spite of being a tipycal activity for skiing, it did not seem to me a great descent. It was good, but it was not nearly amazing.

Como no....Fuentes de Invierno 19-2-2009

Por supuesto no es que suba siempre fotos de cuando voy a estaciones, pero si hay buenas camaras siempre presta. Casualmente, salio esta...y me parece estupenda, siempre quise una asi.

Pico Cascayon, 1949m y otras palas 18-2-09 (C.Cantabrica)

Other sunny day in the mountains. Obviosly, I had to take advantages of it. I prefered not to drive far, so I went to San Isidro.

I left the car in the apartments. I did not know where to go exactly.

The astonishing Torres.

Big snow cornices.

I went between rocky walls.

I rose a peak nameless, but it had a nice slope to be descended. The woods of Redes Park are a treasure that we have to keep.

Later, I chose the Cascayon peak to finish the day with a actual summit.
The Sun got hit me hardly.


Beatiful last meter to the summit.

I turned back to the car tired, but with two descendt.

Pico Faro, 2110m 17-2-09 (C.Cantabrica)

I drove to Vegarada pass. To get it, I had to rise Pajares and later turn to the left through Carmenes and Piedrafita. There isn´t road from Cabañaquinta to Vegarada. Due to it, one hour more of driving is required to get it from Asturias.

If you have time enough and you like driving, the only negative aspect is the gas extra expense.

The day featured sunny and warm.

I went to the rocky peak.

A beatiful "corner" of that zone. I liked walking over there. It was wilder than other zones.

I followed my way on my own.


Other peaks from Faro Peak.

Huevo peak, a clasical choice of that zone.

I filmed the descent with my helmet camera. I wish It had worked in the following descents.

My car and Faro peak at the backgrounds.

I was listening music and loading my mind to the second semester.

Pico Murcia, 2350m 14-2-09 (C.Cantabrica)

I went out of Aviles at 6am. I was driving during a bit more of 3h to arrive in Cardaño de Arriba at 9´30 am. This zone is far from my "part" of the Cantabrican mountains. I did around 220km to get it, almost all on secundary roads. I enjoyed it very much, because I like driving. Furthermore I saw the beatiful snowy mountains, woods and meadows at the dawn while I was driving. It was a really amazing hours.

Rodri was waiting for me in the village. Our goal is the peak that appears at the background. It seems to me like a volcan.

As you see, we had to cross a few bridges.

To cross the last small river, there isn´t a bridge.

We chose other way to climb it. Our choice goes on a ridge that ends in Murcia peak from the south. It´s more beatiful because the north face of Espigüete is always behind us.

As I said before, the trail goes on the ridge with other summits before Murcia peak.

The north face of Espigüete is always visible.

Westwards the Cantabrican mountains full of snow!
We were nearly the summit.

And summit!
Rodri went down walking, so I went down alone.

It finished there. The descent was very good. I was lying at the Sun until Iodri arrived.

That day I had the party of a friend in Aviles, so we had to go back fastly. On the road we could see the same, but in the dusk. I was still better than in the dawn.

Lomas de la sierra del Ajo, zona de San Isidro 13-2-09 (C.Cantabrica)

El viernes 13 parece que se apodera el anticiclon de estos lugares asi que hay que aprovechar con sol toda la nieve que hay. No sabia muy bien donde ir, tampoco me apetecia esforzarme mucho asi que saliendo del Fielato me doy una vuelta y de paso pruebo la camara para el casco, que era lo que mas me interesaba.

En vez de ir hacia el collado Vildoso, sencillamente sigo de frente a ver hasta donde me apetecia llegar de la zona del pico Fuentes donde no hace mucho debieron caer varios aludes.

Aqui me paro a unos 1700m, no creo que por aqui sea el mejor sitio de subir el pico y no obstante tampoco tenia intencion de subirlo...ademas, como se ve en la foto con tanta piedra de nieve...nose, no me daba confianza.

Y aqui un video de prueba, la verdad que graba estupendamente...creo que me la llevare a todos los picos, al menos si voy solo. La calidad me sorprendio la verdad.