For snowboarders who like mountains...

This blog has been created with the purpose of compiling almost all my backcountry days from my first steps in the Cantabrican mountains to mountain ranges such as the Alps and the Pyrenees, and hopefully filled in the future with many travels in the pursuit of great rides and remote areas. Enjoy the reading!

Aiguille Percee, 2778m...starting the year after the beautiful rock shapes

We drove back tot he north to spend few days in Val de Isere. Weather was quite bad every day, plus there was not that much snow in the lower parts. Since the resort was closed, we took the opportunity to visit the famous hole in the rocks, that otherwise would be too crowded as the pistes pass by.

We fot quite lucky and the sky cleared up right when we got to that area...mission accomplished! The best we could get from that day was the beautiful views of that rocky formations...and we luckily did!

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