For snowboarders who like mountains...

This blog has been created with the purpose of compiling almost all my backcountry days from my first steps in the Cantabrican mountains to mountain ranges such as the Alps and the Pyrenees, and hopefully filled in the future with many travels in the pursuit of great rides and remote areas. Enjoy the reading!

Pico la Carva, 2162m...Going higher! December, 22nd 2008

That day we drove through Pajares pass. The point of departure is the small village of Tonin. We tracked up through the Cuadra valley, and later turned to the right.

Once we had turned, we had to follow over a wide ridge till the summit. I didn´t know this summit, because our first intention was to go to Estorbin. Later, we realised that Carva peak was close to Brañacaballo peak (this is well-known).
The summit was the tipical Cantabrican peak, with especially view of the region of Central Mountains. The wind was quite strong.

For the descent I didn´t choose the best option. We descended on the same way we used to go up, and this was the worst option. We had to have descenced on the wide slopes, which appear in the right part of the up photo.

In spite of choosing the worst part for descending the top part, from 1850 to 1550 was getting better. The day had been worth.

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