I hadn´t gone to the mountains since beginnings of May due to the weather and the exams (finally, I´ve finished the university:)). Fortunatly I met Joachim when we were planning the trip to Sardegna...also unforntunatley not to have met him before. Basically we motivated each other to skiing before leaving at least once.
The weather was gonna be acceptable at all, so early in the morning we drove to Gran Paradiso National Park. While we were driving we could see how the Mont Blanc shines in a random morning of June.
The path to the refuge was without snow like in May when I came to Gran Paradiso. We could use the track skins from 2800.
Ahead, we would have one of the glaciar of the park without risks.
And summit after all...It was quite exhausting. The fog was in the other side of the valley, although in certain times it moved and we doubted about the visibility in the descent.
Everything went on the good way. The spring-snow was perfect. We took it in the best moment. Everything has been worth just with that turns!
Later we got the refuge again....resting, Coca Cola, and talking about all the things could have done!
Always peacful the final pine woods untill the car.
I didn´t know it, but much likely that has been the last day in the Alps in "winter" season. Once, the university is over everything is fuzzy and uncertain about my future. Just hope that more and less I could reach my plans and get so many experiences like this year in some region that attract me.