For snowboarders who like mountains...

This blog has been created with the purpose of compiling almost all my backcountry days from my first steps in the Cantabrican mountains to mountain ranges such as the Alps and the Pyrenees, and hopefully filled in the future with many travels in the pursuit of great rides and remote areas. Enjoy the reading!

Trying to finish the season in summer!...June, 24th 2008

This could have been a susccessful end of t sesion but a possible storm brought out my best sensible inner and made me go back at half way. I went to Maladeta glacier which was still practicable from 2500m. The idea was simple: climbing the Maladeta peak and snowboard down 800m roughly at the doors of the looked a brilliant idea!

The fact is that I went back on my steps at 2750m due to a threatening clous coming from the south. Some kind of "paranoia" took my mind. Still nowadays I dont know why I was so prudent...At the end, it was nothing but some clouds....Anyways, I rided down some meters!